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  • Meetings

    A team of professionals from Sanya Na資亮rada Resort will aim to mee樹美twith all your needs. 800squ公章re meter Grand Ballroom and 11 meeting中湖 rooms canaccom章他modate 15 to 1000 people the低習 spacious main ha黑海ll and tropical gar大話den arelinked to謝如gether so it is idea懂照 place to hold large me錢放etings and banquets. On thepure whit術他e sand by the beach we are pleased to o刀錢ffer all types of differentd著關inner at your req器中uest and provide live shows o懂厭r specialperformance.

  • Tropical gardens

    Enjoy the fresh air of the South Chin煙跳a Sea with a dinner venue set amon輛還gst the tropical 懂熱gardens. The dinne議她r tables are arranged with splashes of作快 tropical colors with an islan但要d theme. Guests are welcomed with做綠 a special coconut cocktail before dinn高亮er begins. Dinner will be a spre白這ad of famous Hainanese cui間那sine and fresh seafood 問舞served buffet style. Enjoy a wid行新e selection of coo著他king styles fresh salads vege些醫tables and even a cooking s聽請tation. For dessert the pastry ch讀員ef will be creating a coconut buffe錢見t consisting of different desse區暗rts all from coconuts the main答時 fruit found on Hainan Island. Gu月離est will be donning a special Ha近謝inan resort wear this evening and the放的 evening ends wi物短th a cultural performance年動 showcasing the best of local dances也飛 and songs. Free flow of 那民local beer local r船業ed wine and soft drinks for 2 hours

  • Private beach

    Watch the sunset have兒開 a refreshing drink surround yourse我在lf in nature’s splend放人or; feel the ocean breeze caress you a黑地t our 300 meter long private場麗 beach. It will be a memor路機able experience to be able to文如 dine celebrate and party with sand rig放店ht under your feet. T新小his bar is an ideal plac動老e for themed event器和s which is situ城員ated right on our b知費each.