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 The South China Hotel locatde in 西車close proximity to the Sanya Ea西鄉st China Sea scenic area si the fist火笑 four-star hotel in Sanya.It gas se請用rved both national ldader但黃s and heads of foreign得呢states many times since下海 its foundation in 1992.Wit著生h its glorious historycal traditions,i書間t has won the "Excellent業行 Star-Rated Hotel in Chi門不na"which is awarded by th司些e National Tourism Administratio吧業n as well as the International T鐵購ourism Panama"G問南olden Cup".In 1997,為對it was named a Tourism Landmark H員時otel Building.T錢睡he hotel,with a cinstruction a民信rea of 40,000 square metres,c計得oonsists of three major buil我林dings, a villa,朋大main building and 兒樂annex building,Its the firs來但t"four-star hotel&劇吃quot;in Hainan Provience,and the only s土服tanding director unit of China Famous輛雜 Hotel Corperation.In 2007,the hote懂知l invested huge amouts of money in 時遠completely refurbishing the gue吧風st rooms.In Jul音討y 2011,under the guid信志ance of strategic th笑分inking of Hainan"Interna我器tional Tourism Island西男" and with the goal o機風f developing aworld-firs靜物t island leisure and vac機音ation tourist destination,the hotel火商 agaiin invested heabily to線雜 replace the refrigeration,heating,明讀power supply units and facilties.I木呢n addition, the large conferen雜女ce and banquet hall,seafoof plaza,phy光雜sical therapy and massage center,and th討算e luxury sea view balcony were 老開built in the courtyard and p是間erfectly blended into 文書narural landscape of the hote舊器l.Other vacation, c朋腦onference and business faciliti花白tes of the hotel were also improv關和ed,giving the hotel an entire年很ly new look.
The hotel is located on the bank of 空視The East China Sea,which is低要 one of the top forty to商飛urist locations in又關 China.It faces the sea to form a land電人scape integrating the hotel,問拿garden beach and sea電紙.Itboasts the geographica就北l canditions of the w知又orld's top beach hote慢理ls,providing pea議刀ce and quiet in a busy,upbea男長t neighborhood.There is a two-layer su國你rfing pool,Kiss the Fish 問紙Treatment Bar and tropi跳身cal garden with unique design,all of 購用which are blended toge務男rher beautifully.我店It is a four-star multifunctional hotel請北 that integrates leisure我兒,sightseeing,bus影懂iness acriveties and 又筆international conferences.The hotel,森身hand in had with wuzhiz老那hou Island,adop哥可ts a unique business model combining th站書e hotel and scenic area.The g師通oal of the hotel is to pro bide conveni場體ence while trave兵地lling,and share離長 with its custome輛民rs,the romantic feelings of thi什一s beautiful scenic 友些area.
The South China生河 Hotel's operation philosophy is"c靜愛reating value fo農問r customers,"and it adheres to ser視劇vice concept of "a home on th地綠e South China Se雪輛a."The hotel p一遠rocides evety guest with first-clas放司s facilities and high制白-quality services.May yo去內ur Hainan travel begin with the Sou兵厭th China Hotel!
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